Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion

Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion - Bent Corner

Remember when Elon Musk announced that he wanted to buy Twitter and Twitter took steps to ensure that never happened? Yeah, about that.

From the Washington Post:

Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion on Monday, the company announced, giving the world’s richest person command of one of its most influential social media sites — which serves as a platform for political leaders, a sounding board for experts across industries and an information hub for millions of everyday users.

Personally, I think this is good news. Too many people were getting suspended for silly reasons. Considering the Musk thinks of him as a “free speech absolutist,” I imagine suspicious suspensions will because a thing of the past.

Musk has said he wants to remove ads from Twitter. He also wants to get rid of spam, and authenticate all humans on the platform. Does that mean everyone will get a blue check mark next to their name? Considering that many people don’t use their name on Twitter, that might pose a problem.

Hey, if anyone can figure out how to do it, it’s Elon Musk.

Everyone should just calm down

Erik Larsen

Some have reacted to this news by deleting their Twitter account. Erik Larsen, Image Comics Chief Financial Officer and creator-artist of Savage Dragon, said a few weeks ago that he would delete his Twitter account if Musk bought the platform. It appears he is a man of his word.

Larsen has 30 days to reactivate his account. I know this because I once deleted my Twitter account, only to reactivate it a couple of weeks later. I hope Larsen changes his mind.

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